The Benefits of Chamomile

Chamomile tea benefits your body, mind, and spirit!

Brew a cup of fragrant chamomile tea to enjoy so many chamomile tea benefits! This herbal tea eases insomnia, boosts your immune system, banishes menstrual cramps, and much, much more! 
Chamomile - which can also be spelled 'chamomile' - is a daisy-like herb renowned in folk and traditional medicine for its health, cosmetic, and nutritional benefits.
For centuries, people around the world have turned to chamomile herbal tea as a cure-all for a multitude of physical and emotional health concerns.

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Now, thanks to scientific research about chamomile tea benefits, we are coming to appreciate this popular tea in a whole new way.
Have you been thinking of trying chamomile tea? These many chamomile tea benefits may convince you to add this herbal tisane to your tea stash!

Sleep better with chamomile tea

If you love herbal tea, you most likely already know chamomile tea as the 'night-time' tea. 
This tea, with its mild sedative effects, is treasured for its ability to relieve insomnia and encourage a good night's sleep, free of nightmares. If you've been having sleepless or restless nights, a steamy, soothing mug of chamomile tea at bedtime may be just what you need to sleep soundly through the night.
Insomnia and sleepless nights often go hand-in-hand with increased melancholy and worry, and may even cause depression. Chamomile tea can ease anxiety and depression, too! Read on to learn more.
Chamomile tea

Feeling anxious? Chamomile tea can help!

Today's busy, stressful world leaves many of us feeling increasingly anxious, worried, and upset - or even depressed. 

Is all chamomile the same?

Many types of chamomile can be found around the world, but the two types especially known for their health benefits (and typically targeted in current research) are German chamomile (Matricaria recutita) and Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile).
Prescription medications for anxiety can be costly and are often accompanied by unpleasant side effects, possible dependence, and even cultural stigma.
For these reasons, and for a variety of other personal and cultural reasons, many people would prefer a natural, safe, inexpensive alternative to help manage their anxiety and boost emotional health and wellness.

Traditional healers have long recommended chamomile tea as a simple, healthy (and delicious!) way to relieve anxiety, and current scientific studies support this tea's long-time reputation as a stress reliever and nerve relaxant, showing it to be an effective way to reduce anxiety and depression.
If you've been feeling anxious, stressed, or depressed, you may find soothing relief in a cup of chamomile tea. Steep a cup, and inhale its wonderful fragrance for some beneficial aromatherapy, and then feel your anxiety and worry melt away as you sip this delicious brew. Make it a part of your daily routine for full, long-lasting benefits.
Chamomile herbal tea

Fight a cold with chamomile tea

Another very good reason to add chamomile tea to your tea cupboard is this tea's ability to boost your immune system.
Studies have shown that enjoying chamomile tea regularly is a healthy, natural way to support your immune system, which in turn can protect you from so many health issues - even the common cold that we all dread so much!

Soothe an upset stomach with chamomile tea

Chamomile tea can help ease and manage a variety of digestive issues and tummy troubles.
Bottle of camomile tea for baby
Brew yourself a soothing, aromatic cup of chamomile tea to calm nausea, to ease digestive pain or discomfort, or to settle gassiness.
If you've been battling with a sluggish digestion, this herbal tea can relax your digestive muscles and encourage things to get working as they should again!
And, research has found chamomile to be an effective treatment for diarrhea - even for young children. Chamomile not only helps you recover more quickly from a bout of diarrhea, but it makes the recovery time less uncomfortable, as well!
Chamomile tea is also a helpful, well-known remedy for relieving colic in infants.

Ease menstrual cramps with chamomile herbal tea

If you've been searching for a natural, safe way to ease the discomfort (or pain!) of menstrual cramps, try a cup of chamomile tea.
Chamomile tea has been known as a soothing remedy for menstrual cramps for many years, and current research has uncovered the science behind this tea's ability to lessen cramps at this time of the month.
Enjoying chamomile tea regularly increases levels of the amino acid glycine in your body, and higher levels of glycine may help to ease menstrual cramps by reducing muscle spasms and encouraging your body (including the uterus) to relax.
And, with chamomile's gentle sedative effects, as well, you'll be feeling better in no time!

Another herbal tea for colic

Besides chamomile tea, South African Rooibos tea is another herbal teas  that is well-known for relieving colic in babies. Learn more about Rooibos tea for babies here.
Chamomile's  effects may also help regulate irregular periods by stimulating blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus. However, please be very cautious with chamomile tea if you are currently or are trying to fall pregnant! (Learn more about possible chamomile tea side effects and contraindications here.)

Chamomile's topical benefits for skin and scalp

The benefits of chamomile tea even include topical use... Chamomile tea, when used topically, may provide benefits for your skin and scalp! Chamomile can soothe insect bites, chicken pox, wounds, burns, bruises, sunburns, rashes, and itchy or inflamed skin, and it is also a popular remedy for stopping the growth of ulcers. This herb is well-known for easing the discomfort of eczema, psoriasis, acne, diaper rash, and other skin irritations, too.
Research has shown that a topical chamomile solution is more effective at relieving the itch, pain, and inflammation of skin lesions than topical hydrocortisone (steroid) treatment. The chamomile solution provides substantially quicker healing of the lesions, too. (All this without the potential side effects of long-term steroid use, as well!)
Camomile tea spa bath
A chamomile tea rinse is a calming, anti-inflammatory remedy for dry, flaky scalp. And, why not add chamomile tea to your bath? This soothing, spa-like experience can lessen aches and pains (including sciatica and menstrual cramps), reduce swelling, calm itchy or inflamed skin, ease hay fever or sinusitis, and reduce and soothe painful, inflamed hemorrhoids.

Cosmetic benefits of chamomile tea

Chamomile is a popular addition to skincare and cosmetic products, thanks to this herb's soothing, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.
And, chamomile tea is well-known as a simple, inexpensive, natural hair rinse to give a sun-kissed look to blonde or light-brown hair.
The curative and preventive benefits of chamomile tea, known and valued even in ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt, still hold true today. Steep a cup and enjoy chamomile tea's many benefits!
Chamomile (which can also be spelled 'chamomile') is a beloved herb around the world that is used topically and in herbal teas for its multitude of health benefits.
Here are more of the many ways this versatile, cure-all herb is so very good for our physical, mental, and emotional health and wellness.
The list of chamomile tea benefits seems to go on and on... This centuries-old medicinal 'cure-all' herbal tea is brimming with countless health, cosmetic, and nutritional benefits! 
From encouraging a peaceful night's sleep (with no nightmares) to easing anxiety to soothing a dry, flaky scalp, this tea has an impressive litany of health benefits. 
Here are more of the many ways chamomile herbal tea benefits our health and wellness.

Chamomile tea provides antioxidant protection

Chamomile tea is a very rich source of antioxidants, and these antioxidants provide so many benefits for health!
Not only do antioxidants fight inflammation and protect against chronic disease (such as cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and rheumatoid arthritis), but they work to slow the aging process and reverse the visible signs of aging (like wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity), as well.

Chamomile tea benefits for type 2 diabetes

Research has found that enjoying chamomile tea each day with meals can provide support for those with type 2 diabetes.
Chamomile tea can substantially lower blood glucose levels, and this herbal reas can also help prevent or improve many of the complications that can accompany type 2 diabetes, such as kidney damage and vision loss, as well.
Even if you don't have diabetes, this herbal tea is a wise preventive choice... Chamomile tea works to stop the progression of hyperglycemia, which can protect you against developing diabetes and encourage healthy organs and blood vessels, too.
A field of camomile plants

Chamomile tea's blood thinning benefits

Because certain compounds in chamomile have blood thinning properties, that steamy mug of chamomile tea in your hands may benefit your overall heart health, too, by improving circulation, encouraging healthy blood vessels, and providing protection against cardiovascular disease.

But... does chamomile tea have any risks?

Herbal teas have been valued for centuries for their ability to nurture and heal us. However, even though herbs are effective, natural healers, it's still essential to stay educated about any cautions or potential risks in drinking any herbal tea.

Chamomile tea's potential to fight and prevent cancer

Early laboratory research suggests that this powerful herbal tea may also help to fight - and even prevent - cancer. 
Not only do chamomile tea's antioxidants provide protection against cancer, but chamomile also has certain chemicals that have proven effective in slowing the spread and shortening the lifespan of breast cancer cells and in preventing the growth of leukemia cancer cells.

Chamomile's anti-inflammatory properties

Chamomile's reputation in traditional medicine as an effective treatment for inflammation has been supported by modern-day research. 
Consider steeping and enjoying a cup of chamomile tea to soothe the pain and swelling of rheumatoid arthritis, relieve hay fever, reduce and soothe painful hemorrhoids, heal periodontitis, ease inflammatory bowel disease (such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis), and help to manage other chronic inflammatory conditions.  
However much you enjoy a delicious, aromatic pot of chamomile tisane, don't underestimate chamomile tea's topical benefits in easing inflammation, too! Learn more here about topical use of chamomile tea.
Enjoying camomile tea benefits

Chamomile tea for dental health

Drinking a cup of chamomile tea (or simply gargling with cooled chamomile tea) can encourage healing of and bring soothing relief to painful gums, gingivitis, canker sores, and toothaches.
Chamomile tea is truly a powerhouse tea, with the amazingly wide range of health benefits it provides. Not only will this tea nurture your physical health, but it will support you emotionally and can even provide topical and cosmetic benefits!
This cure-all herbal tisane is a must-have for any tea stash.


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