MY REVIEW: InstaNatural Retinol Cream w/ Vitamin C


Product Description
InstaNatural’s Retinol Moisturizer contains a robust formula of handpicked ingredients designed to transform older, damaged skin into a healthier and youthful appearance. Retinol is a powerful antioxidant derived from Vitamin A, one of the strongest and most trusted ingredients for anti-aging skin care. Once absorbed, Retinol is converted into Retinoic Acid, which starts working to help restore skin and diminish the appearance of sun damage and signs of aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, hyperpigmentation, rough texture, and more.Vitamin C – another powerful antioxidant – works synergistically to aid in this process of battling early signs of aging, as well as repairing existing damage to promote healthier skin. Simultaneously, Hyaluronic Acid, Jojoba Oil, Shea Butter and Green Tea deliver premium nourishment and hydration to keep your skin moisturized.

This intensive moisturizing cream is the perfect addition to your regimen to restore and renew firmness, elasticity and thickness of the skin for a flawless and radiant complexion.

Key Ingredients:
+ 2.5% Retinol
+ Vitamin C
+ Hyaluronic Acid
+ Jojoba Oil
+ Shea Butter
+ Green Tea


Again I am going to express my love for this company. Everything I have tested I fell in love and bought it. This cream was a love just because it is retinol and I am going to use it in the daytime.
There is no real smell. One pump is perfect for the face,neck and chest. I do an extra pump for my boobs and hands. If you are not a Retin-A user than this and the retinol serum is perfect for night too. New users of retinol I would suggest using at night first. Or if you are a AHA user use it the opposite nights too. Never combine AHA with Retinols. This is an incredible cream that I will give it a Beauty 10!

To get yours on Amazon here is the link:

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I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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