Upper Body Core Blast by DailyHIIT


upper body core blast 2
If you haven’t already checked out my BOOTY CIRCUIT, click here and get that done! That one I focus on the BOO-TAY! With this one, I focus more on the upper body and core. If you are unsure of the moves, CHECK OUT THE VIDEO below! I go through the workout one time with you. For this workout, I used 7.5lb dumbbells, but challenge yourself and go higher or lower based on your level. Set your timers for 30 seconds on top for the cardio move (SKI ABS) and then 50 seconds on the bottom for the strength move. I buffered the 50 seconds to give you about 5 seconds to get up from the ski abs and just right into the next move where you would then have about 45 seconds of work. Take that last 50 seconds of REST after you finished one round of all of these! You WILL need that rest, especially if you are pushing yourself!

30 seconds – ski Abs
50 seconds – down, down up, up with isometric dumbbell shoulder hold

30 seconds – ski abs
50 seconds – 8 push ups + plank walk 2 (back)

30 seconds – ski abs
50 seconds – squat with lat to front raise

30 seconds – ski abs
50 seconds – Bent over 3ct. tricep extension hold

30 seconds – ski abs
50 seconds – plank walk out + 2 pushups (back and repeat)

30 seconds – ski abs
50 seconds – plank rows + Plank reverse fly

30 seconds – ski abs
50 seconds – stationary Sumo squat with curl30 seconds – ski abs

30 seconds – ski abs
50 seonds – REST then repeat!

I go through all the moves once with you in the video below, but go for a  total of 1-2 for beginners, 2-3 intermediate, 3+ for advanced. I used a set of 7.5 lb dumbbells. For 3x thru, it will be 24 rounds, 30 seconds of ski ab hops side to side and 50 seconds of weighted work.Keep your form spot on and always contract your core and engage your abdominals! Go to your knees for the plank/push up work if you feel you are losing your abdominal contraction. Post your score and enjoy!

Did you check out my BikiniReady series?


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