8 Steps To Invite Miracles Into Your Life

8 Steps To Invite Miracles Into Your Life

We all want to feel unending enthusiasm and love for life. We all long for miracles. What if they're easier to invoke than you think? Recently, I watched Marianne Williamson on Oprah’sSuper Soul Sunday, and she inspired me to combine some of her teachings with the lessons I've learned about miracles and love in life.
What is a miracle? A miracle is a shift in perspective from fear to love, a naturally occurring expression of love. Here are eight strategies to begin inviting more miracles into your everyday life/
1. Remember that you can't have both a grievance and a miracle.
If you harbor an "attack thought" toward someone, that’s a grievance. That grievance will prevent you from experiencing the wonder of life around you.
2. Ask yourself, "Where am I showing up with unkindness?"
Kindness is the ultimate act of love, toward the self and others. Witnessing, receiving or extending an act of kindness will cause your central nervous system to release serotonin. Acknowledge and then surrender the unkindness within you so that you can embody kindness with ease.
3. Ask yourself, "Who have I not forgiven?"
Grudges, regrets, sorrow, guilt, shame, humiliation — these are all grievances, and they often occur because you have yet to forgive. Your mind doesn’t like forgiveness. It often feels unfair. But your heart needs it. The only truth you really need to know is that we each long for the same things: love, worthiness, connection and feeling good. If we can extend compassion, toward the self and others, no matter what, we can receive it. Forgiveness is key to removing the barrier of fear from your heart so that love can rush in, and your miracle can occur.
4. Ask yourself, "What am I not giving?"
The only thing lacking from any given situation is that which you aren't giving. This can be a challenging concept to accept. No doubt, it’s advanced. But when you allow yourself to take a deep breath in the face of a moment of discomfort, and you allow yourself to truly see what's transpiring, you might be surprised at your own role in what's happening around you. Then you're empowered to choose a new reality.
5. Shift the alchemy in your brain.
Pray for the happiness of those who have wronged you. Granted, this isn't easy. But our minds are connected. When you allow yourself to pray for the happiness of those you perceive to have wronged you, you shift the alchemy between yourself and your perceived enemies, and one of two things will happen: They will change their behavior, or you'll cease to care. Or both.
6. Don't be afraid, because fear prevents love from rushing in.
What is it that you're afraid of? Fear? Pain? Rejection? Not belonging? Death? Meditate. Get to know this side of yourself. We all have it. Everyone is afraid of something. The question is, which do you want to dominate your life: fear or love? At all times you're either growing toward love or toward fear. Which one is it for you?
7. Understand that you can learn in one of two ways — via joy or pain.
Pain in life is inevitable, yet suffering is optional. When you choose a path of pain, knowingly or unknowingly, it can indeed be a great teacher. But when you choose a path of joy, the lessons sink far deeper and integrate effortlessly. It takes awareness. It requires complete acceptance of self. Kind accountability is mandatory. But then sit back and feel the love. It will come in. Just like when you were a child. The love will rush in and tickle you deep inside. You'll giggle. Learning will become fun again. The path to unconditional happiness becomes yours.
8. Be love. Right now.
We are each living a highly individualized spiritual curriculum designed to help us reach our highest potential. Our greatest opportunity to practice the lesson to help us achieve this state is happening right now. Lay down your arms. Welcome in love. Right now. In this moment. With this breath. And the next. And so forth.

To learn more about happiness or relationships, check out our video courses How To Create More Happiness & Meaning In Your Life With Charlie Knoles and How To Have The Greatest Relationship Of Your Life.


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