XTREME Workout

How I always feel after one of the 4-minute Superhero Finishers...

XTREME is on the game plan... What do I mean? 

Well, let's just say the workout below is NOT for the faint of heart...

There are certain days each week where I really like taking things to the XTREME... And today is one of those days. 

Here's what you'll be doing in the workout...

Workout 1: Finish in any order or fashion as fast as possible, resting only when needed. 
(Dennis' Recommendation: Get the sprints done first. Then break up the 4-exercises that follow)

--7 60-yard sprints
--100 Push-Ups
--100 Goblet Squats
--50 Burpees
--50 Kettlebell Swings

XTREME right?! 


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