MY REVIEW: Francois et Mimi Vintage Double Wall French Coffee Press

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Product Description

•Dishwasher Safe
•Holds 1000ml, 34oz
•Double wall feature keeps liquids hot longer
•Dribble-proof spout


I love coffee. I love flavors and different types. And the many type of ways to make coffee can make it so wonderful and different. 
Now we have a drip. Great coffee. And we have a coffee bean grinder. Great. We HAD a Keurig. It was nice and convenient but the bacteria laden thing was making crappy coffee. We cleaned it constantly. We threw it OUT!
My husband and I both have loved coffee from a French Press. This is how I made my coffee when I lived in France. It was much smaller and a glass one.  It is very is easy to do. You boil your water . Scoop your coffee in the pot. I do about 4. Than pour the water over the coffee let it sit with the lid on it. Than push it down slowly and Viola! Really good coffee. I made a video above. Don't laugh. I am a newbie to making videos. This one was from my phone. My IPad has my sons Tristan's shows I need to download!! If you love coffee this is perfect for a great cup of coffee.

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