Home Workout #44: Better Butt HiiT by Dr Sara

home workout 44

Equipment Required:

Dr Sara Solomon Cross Speed Jump Rope Buddy Lee Jump Ropes

Always a Must!

Read my workout rules before you begin!

Drink your BCAAs!

Stay hydrated with water.
workout 44

Video Workout

Keep this circuit mega-INTENSE; otherwise, you are not going to benefit from metabolism-boosting effects of HIIT. Maximize fat-burning by doing this workout fasted as soon as you wake up …  and stay fasted for at least 2 hours after the workout (you can drink your BCAAs). Increase the intensity by lifting the heaviest weights you safely can. Remember, you want to lift weights because muscle burns calories! The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn.
This circuit consists of 6 exercises. Set your timers for 40 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. If you are new to training, try doing it once (5 minutes) or twice (10 minutes). If you are more advanced, do it 4 times for a total of 20 minutes.
  1. (R) Bulgarian Split Squat (Using bench or stool, I used 15-lb dumbbells)
  2. (L) Bulgarian Split Squat (as in #1)
  3. Jump Rope (X-Foot Cross)
  4. (R) Glute Bridge (bench or stool)
  5. (L) Glute Bridge (bench or stool)
  6. (R)<-->(L) Hip Abduction Rubber Band Walk (X-Band Walks)


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