Breakfast Ham Stacks

Ham Breakfast Stacks

 It seems that all of the traditional breakfast foods are just laden with carbohydrates and sugars that we don’t eat. So we eat a lot of eggs – frittatas, omelets, scrambled eggs – but after a while, nothing but eggs sure can get old.  

Tips: The options with these are pretty much endless – whatever toppings that you like would probably work. You could also stack these up a few layers tall for a more substantial breakfast, as these are pretty light. They work great as is for a weekday lunch for us, though. On a weekend for a larger meal, I might stack them up taller and and be more generous with the ingredients (or serve them alongside a nice fruit salad).
Ham Breakfast Stacks
Source: Original Recipe to Serve Two
2 breakfast ham slices
Desired toppings
1. Saute your ham slices in a bit of butter until they are beginning to brown and are nice and hot. Stack with your desired toppings. We used the following ingredients (each pictured in this post):
- sliced colby cheese, avocado slices, and cilantro
- ricotta cheese, tomato slices, pesto, fresh black pepper, and a drizzle of olive oil
- fried egg, grated cheddar cheese, and cilantro
- tomato slices, scrambled eggs, shredded gruyere, and fresh black pepper


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