DIY Coconut Cream Lotion by Fresh Picked Beauty

Coconut Cream Lotion 

For the oil phase you will need......(You can get all of this from Mountain Rose Herbs)
10 grams cocoa butter
20 grams coconut oil
3 grams stearic acid
For the water phase you will need.....
160 grams aloe vera gel
Place the aloe vera gel in one glass container and the oil phase ingredients into another glass container.  Sit in a simmering water bath and bring both containers up to 150 degrees. 
Pour the aloe vera gel into the oil phase and mix on medium speed until the mixture thickens and cools to 100 degrees. 
Mix in one tablespoon of organic coconut extract for a delicious coconut aroma. 
To naturally preserve the lotion, add in 5 grams of Leucidal Liquid and blend well. 
Sterilize a container and a funnel and pour the warm lotion into it. 
If you choose not to preserve your product, please remember to store it in the fridge and use within a few weeks. 


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