DIY: Sugar Scrub for the body and even the Face

You need:
White Sugar
Brown Sugar

Olive Oil or Almond,Evening Primrose (these I prefer over olive)
Vanilla {totally optional, but yummy}

Step 1: Find a container for the scrub
The sky is the limit, really. This is a washed-out container I’m recycling which actually held Trader Joe’s sugar scrub in its former life. I’m also using small Mason jelly jars and making lids out of scrapbook paper. Whatever you have on hand will do, thriftiness is the name of the game here.

Step 2: Measure Some Brown Sugar
You want your sugars to be equally mixed, so find out how much the container you’re using will hold and then measure equal amounts of sugars to fill.

Step 3: Add White Sugar

Step 4: Mix
This is a good job for small boys who are in danger of being thrown into a snowbank outside because of their wild ways. I’m projecting a little here, stay with me.

It should look like this when you’re done. You can use an electric mixer if you like, but I prefer child slave labor myself.

Step 5: Add to container
You could use a funnel if you’re organized, but I just used my measuring cups and it all worked out okay.

Isn’t it pretty? Fill it pretty full, the oil will tamper it down a lot and you don’t want to give a half-empty jar to your girlfriends, it’s tacky.

Step 6: Add Oil
This step requires patience. Pour it in and let it bubble down to the bottom, then pour in a little more, and so on and so forth. Mix it around with a spoon if you need to {I did}, it will speed up the process.

It looks like layers of sediment, doesn’t it? I kind of like it at this stage, the different colors add texture.

Step 7: Mix again

See how I’ve mixed it up with a spoon? At this point you can add more sugar and more oil until you’re happy with the result. Your happiness is paramount in all this, and don’t you forget it.

{Optional} Step 8: Add Vanilla

Since it’s optional I didn’t take photos. But, adding Vanilla adds a delicious scent. You can also add an essential oil which I perfer.Love,lavendar,lemon,vanilla.


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