Benefits of Resveratrol

Benefits of Resveratrol

Resveratrol is created by certain plants as a defense mechanism. It has quite a few health benefits in store for us. When it’s taken as a supplement, it will lower blood sugar levels and bolster the immune system. It’s a large part of the Mediterranean diet, because it’s commonly found in the wine that’s enjoyed by so many inhabitants of that region.

There are a few sources of resveratrol, including red grapes, blueberries, and pomegranates. Its antioxidant nature protects the body’s cells, as well as its nervous and cardiovascular systems. Resveratrol may be of particular benefit to those who are recovering from illness, or have a compromised immune system. It’s also extremely beneficial to those of us who are completely healthy- it boosts the metabolism, which may aid in weight loss, and it improves autoimmune response. Its greatest promise, though, may be as a cancer preventative . A National Institutes of Health survey shows convincing evidence of resveratrol’s effects against the disease. It can also improve cardiovascular performance in healthy people. Many sports nutritionists recommend it to athletes who are recovering from a long period of strenuous activity.
Resveratrol may also help negate the effects of a calorie-laden diet. This, and its cancer-fighting characteristics are what make resveratrol so popular. Resveratrol also protects our blood vessels, and prevents the harmful effects of free radicals. It may even be beneficial to those with Alzheimer’s disease, as it’s known to protect both the heart and the brain from harmful oxidized fat.

Resveratrol helps the body operate more efficiently, and in turn improves overall health. It’s an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, and it’s a big reason why red wine is promoted as part of a balanced diet. Because it’s a plant byproduct, it can be used as a dietary supplement in place of pricey, and perhaps harmful drugs. Resveratrol’s cholesterol fighting benefits make it ideal for those who are concerned about heart health.
There’s so much research that’s been done on resveratrol, it’s impossible to go over all the benefits here. Resveratrol is also a natural painkiller, a bacterial growth inhibitor, and may be able to activate the so-called “longevity” gene. While it’s vital to point out that a lot of the research has only been done in a laboratory setting, the sheer amount of it suggests that resveratrol is one of the most effective natural supplements ever discovered. It’s Nature’s solution to many of our problems!


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