7 Reasons To Eat a Plant-Based Diet

7 Reasons Why You Should Eat Plant-Based

With the aid of documentaries such as Forks Over Knives, Vegucated, and Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, America is being exposed to the ever growing benefits of eating a plant-based diet. The claims are bold in that a plant-based diet will decrease your risk of heart disease, lower your risk of cancer, help you to lose weight while watching your diabetes evaporate or osteoporosis be reversed.

I can personally attest that going vegan is much more than about what you are eating. You alone are literally saving hundreds of animals lives each year, helping preserve our fragile environment and being kind to your own body in the process.  It's a philosophical shift in mind, body and spirit which results in an overall transformation of self. It's changing my life. 

Here are 7 Reasons Why You Should Eat Plant-Based:

1. Eating plant-based will aid in you maintaining or regaining your health. The medical evidence is now glaring that a whole foods plant based diet is reversing a plethora of diseases, inflammation, anxiety, depression, Lupus, MS, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, etc. The China Study which surveys over 6,500 people from over 65 countries, remains the largest and most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted and proves that a plant based diet is prolonging lives. There isn't much room left for debate.

2. Cancer. Since Cancer originates from your body's damaged cells, it is critical to do your part in preserving the health of those cells. They are yours to protect. "The science base is very strong that fruits and vegetables are protective for all the gastrointestinal cancers and all the smoking-related cancers," says Tim Byers, professor of preventive medicine at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver.

3. Constipation. This is a worthwhile benefit seeing as we are living in a country that spends millions on pharmaceuticals, supplements, vitamins, herbs and laxatives all so that you can loosen your stool. This can be reversed simply by changing your diet? Yes. When you eat a healthy plant-based diet, your challenges with constipation will evaporate. 

4. Animals. As stated earlier, you alone will be saving hundreds of animals from inhumane slaughter by going vegan. There is no such thing as a 'kind slaughter' as some would have you believe & this includes those 'grass fed' animals. The documentary - Earthlings - provides the reality of what is happening at factory farms across this country. This reason alone is why I became vegan. How anyone can turn a blind eye to the horror that is taking place to these innocent animals is beyond me.

5. Healthy, Glowing Skin. Your skin will literally glow and any acne will vanish. Plant-based meals, vegetables, and fruits are incredibly hydrating. Your skin will radiate vibrant health.

6. It's Fun & Empowering!! The collection of benefits resulting from eating a plant based diet range from compassion for animals, saving their lives, protecting our environment, prolonging your life, losing weight and glowing healthy skin. It's not a meal. It's a movement.

7. USFDA. The USFDA now recognizes both vegan and vegetarian diets as the healthiest diets of all due to low cholesterol and less health problems, but 20 vegans can live off the same land required by one meat eater. And if Americans would simply reduce their meat consumption by 10%, that would free up 12,000,000 tons of grain. This would feed 60,000,000 people around the world (rawfoodsolution.com).

In addition to all of the reasons above, meeting like minded people who are eco-conscious, compassionate and intelligent consumers is quite refreshing. Eating plant based will open you up to the most amazing people and you will build new friendships in the process. This was a benefit that I was not expecting yet was another pleasant surprise!

I think this is enough reasons to give a plant-based diet a try and I can comfortably guarantee you that you will be thrilled you did!!&


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