Day #17 Real Time 30 Day Challenge- 8x8 Super Lean Muscle w/ Lisa

Todays Workout Video:
YouTube - 30 Day Challenge Playlist  - Direct Link to YouTube Page
Workout Breakdown:
Set Your Screen Shot 2013-08-17 at 8.22.17 PM  to a stop watch as below. Complete the following exercises as quickly as possible, using as much weight as you can but without compromising on form.
Day 17 – Time for the gun show  …
If you are working out with me – I’m waiting with another ass kicking workout behind the play button with a smile & probably another terrible song lol.

You can use your  Sandbagor Screen Shot 2013-07-28 at 7.20.26 PMor Screen Shot 2013-09-23 at 5.46.46 PM (click images to view)
If you haven’t had time to get your equipment yet, or it’s on it’s way – There are Free Home Equipment Ideas - Here
If you are training in your Gym or on your own  - Complete the following exercise’s in the fastest time possible. Post your scores & weight below to remind yourself how far you have come when you HIIT this again.
Todays Workout:
You may need to remember this today :
We Do the below workout together.
Remember you can always lower your weight – so go heavy to start. Ty to stick with me, the idea is to keep a good pace with weights that push you with very little breaks.
See Day #1 for 30 Day Challenge instructions.
Todays Workout:
1.Bicep Curl - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
2. Tricep Dips  - using the Equalizer
3. Around the world – using the Tbar weights
4. Squats - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
5. Shoulder Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
6. Reverse Fly’s - using the Tbar weights
7. Chest Press - using the Sandbag or Ugi Ball or Tbar weights
8. Abs  - using the Equalizer & Tbar weights
To Finish:
Set Your Screen Shot 2013-08-17 at 8.22.17 PM  to 10 seconds rest & 50 seconds work as below

The Cardio Finish:
1. 8 x rounds of cardio – (I will choose skipping) Pick your choice of cardio & go hard for 8 rounds of 50 /10.
Post Your (weights) time & weight choice below as a reminder of how far you have come today & to be able to see your progress next time you do this workout.
Pre & Post Workout Stretch (2 Videos) - Here


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