Our Favorite Burger-Ice Burgers

Burger Lettuce Wraps

This is how we eat our burgers these days.  Since we're eating mostly primal, we're avoiding grains.  This means... no buns for our burgers.  At first, both Danny and I thought it was going to be very difficult to eat our burgers wrapped in lettuce.  But it wasn't hard at all.  In fact, we actually tend to prefer our burgers this way... we seriously don't miss the buns at all.  Especially right now with all the yummy lettuce we're getting from our markets and that you can find at just about any farmers' market this time of year.  On this particular night, we had burgers topped with raw provolone cheese,onions,tomato, mayo, and bacon... and I'm pretty sure I had avocado on mine .  All wrapped in lettuce and served with a side of sweet potato frie. It is a perfect summer time meal!


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