Hormones:Testosterone Cream for Women

Testosterone Cream for Women

What is testosterone cream?
Testosterone cream for women is one of the most sought-after products, which helps the female species increase sexual enhancement through a very practical and easy way. Compared to taking drugs or any forms of medication to increase the female sexual urge, the testosterone cream can be applied to the skin, which gives rapid sexual enhancement.
Why use testosterone cream?
Most people don’t realize that a woman has testosterone levels just as a male does, just in different amounts. A female’s body balances the levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, with the ovaries producing the testosterone. Some of the symptoms they experience from low levels of testosterone are dry and thin skin, inflammation of the vagina with painful intercourse, and gaining body weight. Many medical professionals believe that treating the female body with male hormones will cause acne, hair loss, or will make the person look more masculine. But careful therapy can avoid these side effects and make a person feel much more alive and active.
How does it work?
The cream works by allowing the body to increase the secretion of sex hormones upon application of the cream. The effect is quite rapid and direct since the testosterone cream could easily be absorbed through the skin and pass through the blood vessel of the female user. From here, the testosterone would act on the specific glands involved increasing the secretion of sex promoting hormones. Unlike the defective and ineffective creams and medications sold around the internet, the testosterone cream for women has a scientific basis regarding the mechanism of its action. Many large and successful drug companies have clinical findings regarding the t cream to support their product advertisements and commercials. Women who are in need of such medications and have used the testosterone cream as a sexual stimulant are safe and free from any hazardous effects.
What products exist?
There are several testosterone creams out there for women such as Libido Edge, Natural Radiance, BioEntopic, etc. But there are only a few out there that are affordable and effective. So be careful when searching for the right testosterone cream.
My Mission
My ultimate mission is to find the best testosterone cream that exists for women. I will then update you on how it is working. I did some research and found a product that seems more promising than the rest. It is called, VieNue Bioidentical Testosterone Cream. I have just recently made my purchase. I am very excited to see the results of this mission and hope you will keep updated.
Here’s a link:
VieNue Testosterone Cream
Vienue also makes an acai berry supplement:
Vienue Acai Berry Supplement


  1. Thank you so much for this info! I look forward to your review!


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