Saturday Strategy-5 Ways to Detox Daily

Saturday Strategy - 5 Ways to Detox Daily


In this week's Saturday Strategy, I will be talking in detail about 5 easy ways to detoxify your body daily. I will also talk about the need to frequently detoxify and the simplest means of doing it by resourcing the most accessible options.
Aside from the health benefits, daily detoxification will help you achieve the perfect shape that you want for your body.
So how do I detox every day? 
Here is a list of 5 things that you can do daily to ensure your success.

#1. Warm Water And Lemon

How you start your day is how you start your life. I like to start out by drinking a liter of warm water with lemon first thing in the morning. This helps the liver flush out impurities and keeps you hydrated. By adding 2 tablespoons of lemon in a bottle of water, this will remind you to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day.

#2. Get Sweaty

After I’m done with the warm water and lemon first thing in the morning I head to the gym to get my heart rate up and get my sweat on. Sweating has been shown to cleanse your body and push out toxins. Not only do I sweat, I focus on breathing big breaths 70% of the toxins in your body come from your lungs.

#3. Have A Green Juice

Getting back from the gym it’s time to get all juiced up. The different greens in the juice help give my cells what they need to thrive in an environment of free radicals etc. A simple recipe I like to follow is in the Alpha Reset. Get it here.

#4. Meet My Friend ACV

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)  is awesome. Taking 2 tablespoons a day helps get rid of mucus in the body and break down harmful toxins. It also encourages good gut bacteria, which is important when it comes to getting rid of toxins.

#5. Eat Detox Foods

There are many foods that will help you detox. 3 of my personal favorites are… Dandelion Greens – I drink this as a tea, flushes out liver and kidneys. Cilantro – Clears up heavy metals and is a great anti-inflammation veggie. Parsley – this is a great blood builder and helps get rid of free radicals. Turmeric – One of the best anti-inflammatory veggies on the market. Cayenne – my personal favorite spice helps your blood get rid of impurities.
Now that you know a few of the things we do every day to detox start to implement them. Also, if you are looking for a great detoxification system – go through the Alpha Reset  it will give you a step by step guide to getting great results.
Remember, these are all physical things to do. You should be focused on detoxing your mind as well. It’s even more important! After all, the reason why you're doing this is because you wanna feel better!
Always remember, we're in this together!
- Drew Canole


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