15 Ways To Squeeze Mor Yoga Into Your Everyday Activities
15 Ways To Squeeze More Yoga Into Your Everyday Activities
are so many opportunities in our everyday activities to add a little
more yoga. Here are only fifteen of them. Use the comment box below to
share more when you come up with them!
1. Practice deep breathing
when you’re at the dentist or doctor’s office. Place your hand on your
lower stomach so you can connect deeper to your own breath and body,
close your eyes and take deep breaths through the nose and into the
belly. Breathe deeply.
2. Practice pranayama on road trips, commutes to and from work, airplane rides, etc.
3. Meditate on the plane, train or bus.
Practice love and compassion. Allow these attributes to become the core
of your being. Ask yourself, “Can I bring more love and compassion into
this situation?” Rather than being upset or annoyed that you have to
work, remember how grateful you are to have a job that supports you,
5. When standing in line at the gas
station or grocery store think of three things that you're grateful for.
Allow this to become a habit; it will help you cultivate gratitude in your life.
Do utthanasana (standing forward fold) whenever you feel stressed. It
doesn’t matter where you are; I practice utthanasana at work when I feel
like I need it. Utthanasana calms anxiety and brings more oxygen and
nutrients to the brain.
7. Practice Viparita
Karani (legs up the wall pose) after any exercise, work, or after
sitting for an extended period of time. This pose has many benefits: it
regulates blood flow, calms anxiety, relieves head and back aches, and
relieves symptoms of mild depression and insomnia.
8. Chant while you’re in the shower.
9. Express gratitude (whether verbally or mentally) before eating.
Eat for health, not for weight loss. Nourishing our bodies with
healthy, wholesome food is essential for our wellness and vitality. We
can't be the best versions of ourselves if we don’t fuel our bodies
properly. Eat lots of colourful fruits and vegetables, complete
proteins, and healthy fats.
11. Counterbalance
your daily activities. For example, do a chest opener after spending
time on a computer, writing, or driving; most of our daily actions
involve closing the shoulders and rounding of the back. Open your chest
with a backbend daily.
12. Get inverted
everyday. Inversions are so important for our health and they feel so
good. Do a handstand against a wall, get your legs up the wall, or do a
13. Practice compassion to
yourself. You can't be a loving, happy, healthy person if you don’t love
yourself first. Give yourself a pat on the back for even the smallest
accomplishments. You deserve it.
14. Be in the
moment: turn off your phone, computer, or television and be open to the
present moment. Laugh with friends, or spend time alone, but spend some
time completely unplugged from the electronic world.
15. Practice, practice, practice.
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com
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