Day 25 - 30 MIN FULL BODY BURNER HIIT WORKOUT - With Dumbbells, No Repeat


Ready to feel your muscles burn? 🔥 It's time to GROW! Day 25 is a 30 min Full Body Burner HIIT Workout with dumbbells! If you don't have dumbbells at home then grab two big bottles or cans from your kitchen cupboard to add some extra weight! Aim for full power, every rep today team! Try your best and I'm sure you'll feel aaaamazing! Let's do it! WORKOUT DETAILS 👉🏼 Duration: 30 MIN (Plus 5 mins of cool-down stretches) 👉🏼 Intensity: Body Burner 🔥🔥🔥 👉🏼 Dumbbells OR bottles/cans from your kitchen (I'm using 5kg dumbbells for your reference) 👉🏼 50 Sec Work, 10 Sec Rest 👉🏼 No Repeat Please remember that we are all different and that you can make this your OWN workout... take a longer break when you need to.


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