Egg Baked Sweet Potato

Make it- An ‘Egg’cellent baked sweet potato


Perfect for breakfast, lunch, dinner or just ‘cuz ;)
You’ll need:
  • 1 sweet potato
  • 2 real eggs
  • A little buttah
  • salt and pepper
First, bake your sweet potato. Here’s a simple method I use: pierce the sweet potato several times with a fork. Microwave for 2-3 minutes. Transfer to the oven and bake about 10-15 minutes.
Your potato is now soft on the inside. Cut it in half and scoop out some of the sweet potato on each half, forming a tiny bowl. Now break for a bit and enjoy a little snack with the scooped out potato flesh! 

Drop a bit of buttah into each hole and cover with a cracked egg.

Bake for 30 minutes at 375 degrees.

Season with salt and pepper. Attack and enjoy the sweet, eggy, carby goodness.

If you don’t like sweet potatoes, this recipe is just as yummy with a good ‘ol Idaho!


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