Jump Rope Tutorial #3: Side Straddle, Forward Straddle, X-Foot Cross


Side Straddle
Forward Straddle
X-Foot Cross

GOAL: Show me your 3rd Achievement!
 Show me 5 Side Straddles immediately into 5 Forward Straddles immediately into 5 X-Foot-Cross. That's exactly 1 Instagram story! Tag me (@DrSaraSolomon) and I'll share your story!
Watch the Video Demo

  • Side Straddle 
  • 1. Start with a bounce step (jump with your feet together). Remember to engage your core and glutes.
  • 2. Spread your feet shoulder-width apart to land in a straddle position, while the rope passes over your head.
  • 3. On the third jump, bring your feet back into the bounce step position. This counts as 1 jump.
  • 4. Remain on the balls of your feet for each jump. Repeat this sequence. It resembles a jumping jack.
  • Forward Straddle:  
  • 1. Start in the bounce step sequence.
  • 2. On the first swing, jump by shifting the right foot forward and the left foot backward.
  • 3. On the second swing, jump by shifting the right foot backward and the left foot forward.
  • 4. Repeat. Be sure to keep your body weight on the balls of your feet. You only need to shift your feet a few inches forward and backward. Every time the right foot lands, that counts as 1 jump. 
  • X-Foot Cross:  
  • 1. First swing: start with a bounce step (feet together)
  • 2. Second swing: jump with your feet shoulder-width apart (like the side straddle)
  • 3. Third swing: cross your right leg over your left leg before the rope passes under your feet. (This counts as jump #1)
  • 4. Fourth swing: jump back into the side straddle position
  • 5. Fifth swing:  cross your left leg over your right leg before the rope passes under your feet. (This counts as jump #2)
  • 6. Sixth swing: uncross you leg and land back in the side straddle position.
  • 7. Repeat.
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Don't Give Up!

  • Gradually work your way up to 10 minutes per day. I know it's tempting to want to jump longer and faster when you are first learning, but keep it under 5 minutes until you master the coordination, rhythm and timing. Always prioritize technique over speed.
  • Practice is the key to developing endurance and proficiency, and will enable you to reap the most benefit from jump rope training.


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