30 MIN TURBO TABATA Workout - Full Body HIIT / No Equipment | EPIC Heat - Day 40


All you will need is a bottle of water handy and your mat! Repeat each pair x 4 times! PUSH UPS CHEST TO FLOOR BURPEES LATERAL LUNGE TO KICK SAME LEG MARCH WALK OUT TO TRICEP PUSH UPS X BODY MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS LUNGE FRONT KNEE LIFT LUNGE REAR FOOT TAP (same leg) PLANK LADDER TO PUSH UP HOLLOW TO TUCK SQUAT WALK TO BURPEE HIGH KNEES SQUAT ALTERNATING KICKS PUSH UP BURPEES Finisher: 1 min RAINBOW KICKS! I am sure we will all love the short work periods! Definitely a reason to give it our all!! Short, sweet and sweaty!!! Let’s have some fun!!


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