Day 46 of EPIC | Dumbbell ABS and PUSH UPS WORKOUT [NO REPEAT]


The push ups will be 40 seconds each, 20 seconds rest. Take your time! Control the movements and stop when you feel your form is not the best it could be! The abs and core is 50 seconds of work, 10 seconds rest. I am using a dumbbell for a majority of the abs and core however you can perform bodyweight also, particularly the windmills if you not confident with a dumbbell. CRUNCH HOLD CRUNCH PULSES SINGLE LEG REACH (same side)SINGLE LEG REACH (switch) FULL BODY CRUNCH TOE REACH TO HOLLOW SAME SIDE SET DOWN SAME SIDE SET DOWN (switch) SINGLE LEG SIT UP SINGLE LEG SIT UP (switch) RUSSIAN TWISTV SIT PASS UNDER PIKE PUSH UPS LEANING PUSH UPS TYPEWRITER PUSH UPS SLOW 40 SECOND PUSH UP! PULSING PUSH UP ALT TOE TAP TO PUSH UP ALT SIDE PLANK TO PUSH UP DIAMOND PUSH UP LYING SIDE TRICEP PUSH UP LYING SIDE TRICEP PUSH UP (switch) DIAMOND COBRA SMOOTH SIT UPLEG RAISE SEATED HOLD/PULSE GAZE DOWN WIPERS TUCK TO EXTENSION SIDE PLANK UP & DOWN SIDE PLANK UP & DOWN (switch) PLANK TO SIDE ROW PLANK TO SIDE ROW GAZE DOWN LEG LOWER HOLD WINDMILLWINDMILL DIVE PUSH UPS WIDE PUSH UPS UNEVEN DB PUSH UP UNEVEN DB PUSH UP (switch) ALT SINGLE LEG PUSH UP PUSH UP ALT HANDS OFF ALT FOOT CROSS OVER SPIDER PUSH UPS CLAPPING PUSH UPS TRAVELLING PUSH UPS SKULL CRUSHERS Finisher: Push ups for 1 minute! With the push ups, try the more challenging movements the best you can! Give them a go! Alternatively you can perform standard push ups and use it as time to practice!!


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