LEG DAY Workout with Dumbbells | Complex Series - Day 1

The dumbbells I am using for your reference are 12.5kg each. The timer will be set for 3 minutes per complex with 30 seconds rest between each complex! 1 1/2 REP SQUAT x10 1 1/2 REP RDL x10 STATIC LUNGE x20 B/W PULSES (same side) x20 STATIC LUNGE x20 B/W PULSES (same side) x20 ELEVATED SQUAT x10 CALF RAISE x10 CALF PULSES x20 LATERAL LUNGE x10 CURTSEY LUNGE (same side) x10 LATERAL LUNGE x10 CURTSEY LUNGE (same side) x10 1/2 REP STAGGERED SQUAT x20 1/2 REP STAGGERED RDL x20 (same side) 1/2 REP STAGGERED SQUAT x20 1/2 REP STAGGERED RDL x20 (same side) HAMSTRING LIFT x15 HAMSTRING WALK x15 Finisher: Last complex! HEEL ELEV B/W 1/2 REP SQUAT x20 SQUAT WALK x20 (any direction) x20 I love the combination of dumbbell & bodyweight as we sometimes sigh with relief when we know it’s bodyweight only but yet it doesn’t necessarily mean any easier!



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