The Benefits of Niacinamide(B3)

Niacinamide's Therapeutic Effect on Three Common Health Problems

by Dr. David Williams

Niacinamide can be a truly dynamic supplement to integrate into you health management plan. The following are three common health problems which have been improved after the use of niacinamide.

Fatigue, Muscle Strength & Working Capacity

It has been found that the majority of patients who took 100 to 300 milligrams of niacinamide demonstrated a greater working capacity and less fatigue after only 30 minutes. Muscle strength also improved after 30 minutes in about 30% of the patients. More pronounced improvement was observed as the patients continued on the therapy over a period of several months.

Loss of Balance

Taking niacinamide can have a very positive effect on balance, and most people see gradual improvements over a period of several months. Even if you don't see a difference right away, it's well worth sticking with it, as it may take up to three months of constant therapy to achieve noticeable progress.


Niacinamide is somewhat unusual when compared to most other vitamins because it easily and quickly enters the central nervous system. It also has an affinity for the same neurological receptor sites that the benzodiazepine class of drugs are designed to affect. It is not at all uncommon to begin to experience relaxation and increased energy within five to 10 minutes of taking just 100 milligrams of niacinamide. As soon as blood levels of niacinamide begin to rise, the vitamin's calming effect on the central nervous system becomes evident. Patients who suffer from long-term, deeper depression will generally respond within the first two weeks if niacinamide therapy is going to be of benefit.
Now it’s your turn: What do you use niacin

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