Day 48 of EPIC | Intense Bodyweight and Dumbbell Upper Body Workout

Remember to go at a moderate pace, particularly when pressing overhead. During the lowering part of an exercise such as bent over rows, lateral raises, sweeps etc it is the eccentric movement that a lot of work happens so really focused on this part of the lift... you should try to lower as slowly as feasible! With the skull crusher push ups, push the outsides of the hands into the mat to extend the arms. You can perform tricep or diamond instead to strength the triceps if you prefer. SHOULDER PRESSALTERNATING PRESSSINGLE ARM PRESSSINGLE ARM PRESS (switch) ARNOLD PRESS90° HOLD TO OPENCHEST PRESS1 x SLOW PUSH UP PALMS FACING PRESS PUSH UPSFLYESWIDE PUSH UPS DIAMOND PRESS DIAMOND PRESS PUSH UP TRICEP PRESSTRICEP PRESS PUSH UPSKULL CRUSHER SKULL CRUSHER PUSH UPS LYING OVERHEAD EXTENSION DIPSSINGLE ARM ROW SINGLE ARM ROW (switch) SINGLE ARM SUPINE ROWSINGLE ARM SUPINE ROW (switch) PULL OVERSWEEP (one side) SWEEP (switch) ALT RENEGADE ROW TO PUSH UPSCAPULAR PUSH UPSLATERAL RAISESPIKE PUSH UP (on chair or mat) ALT FRONTAL RAISES FRONTAL RAISE (x 1 DB) ALT UPRIGHT ROW PLANK FEET WALK IN AROUND THE WORLD DECLINE PUSH UPS KNEEL HAMMER CURL TO PRESS KNEEL HAMMER CURL TO PRESS (opp) WIDE CURLSALT CURLSPALMS FACING IN ROW TO CURL CURL PULSES Finisher: 20/20/20 DIPS/HOLD/DIPS This finisher is a tough one.. make sure you don’t hold your breath!



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