Tighten & Tone BOSU Ball Workout by DailyHIIT


Bosu Ball Toe Taps x50
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These toe taps are a great cardio exercise to get your heart rate going. Start with your right foot placed in the middle of the bosu. Jump and switch feet as fast as you can continuously. Complete 50 toe taps for each foot.

Charleston Leg Kicks x15 (each side)
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A Charleston kick on the BOSU-ball is a great cardio exercise that will work your hamstrings & quads. Begin with one foot placed in the middle of the BOSU. Bring your knee up& kick out with a flexed foot. Place foot back on the floor and reach your other foot back into runners lunge behind you.  Keep your core engaged to help stay stabilized !

Bosu Ball Burpee x15
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Begin holding bosu in front of your chest.  Lift the BOSU overhead engaging your core to prevent you from arching your back.  Place BOSU on the floor in front of you coming into a deep squat as your place the ball side of the BOSU on the ground and your hands flat on the BOSU. Jump or walk your legs back to a plank position.

Jump Squat On & Off Bosu x15
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Stand on the BOSU with feet spaced evenly. Bend your knees and squat, as though you’re sitting back in a chair. Then jump up as high as you can and land with soft knees, lowering back into a squat.

Plank with Toe Taps x15 (each side)
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Start in a solid plank position with your feet placed on top of the Bosu. Keep your back flat and your shoulders over top of your elbows as you alternate between toe taps.

Crunches x25
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As you exhale, slowly lift your upper body to an upright position, focusing on engaging the muscles in your core. Slowly lower yourself back down to the original position.

Elbow to Knee Ab Twist x15 (each side)
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This exercise will challenge your abdominals ! Begin laying on top of the BOSU ball with one foot placed flat on the floor and the other leg extended. Lift and twist your torso, so the opposite elbow meets the opposing knee. Complete 15 twists on one side then switch to the other side.

Tricep Dips x25
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Place hands on top of BOSU ball with feet flat on the floor. Bend your knees and lower your body until your rear is almost touching the ground. Then use your triceps to lift your body back up until your arms are almost straight.

One Arm on Bosu Ball Push-ups x15 (each side)
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This push-up exercise will work different arm, chest and shoulder muscles. For this  BOSU ball push you are going to put one hand on the floor and one hand placed on the BOSU. Complete a full push-up making sure your neck is in line with your the back.


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