Kombucha: Can help your skin!!
Our bodies are full—full!—of bacteria. We have ten times more bacterial cells living in and on us every day than we do human cells. The good bacteria, which curb the growth of bad bacteria, are called probiotics, and the addition of probiotic foods and supplements to your diet can be key in eliminating, or at least reducing, bacterial issues like acne.
Acne in particular is tied closely to digestive health because it often occurs as a result of the “bad” bacteria in our intestinal tracts outnumbering the good. Probiotics are beneficial to your health in numerous valuable ways, from alleviating digestive issues to strengthening the stomach and boosting the immune system, but yes, they’re also pretty amazing for your skin. Internal inflammation, which probiotics are incredibly effective in reducing, is often a direct cause of acne.
Our favorite sources of probiotics are delicious, like kefir and kombucha, but you can also simply integrate a concentrated supplement like Be Well by Dr. Frank Lipman Probiotic Powder ($44, bewellbydrfranklipman.com) into your routine. Counterbalancing bad bacteria in your gut with the addition of good bacteria doesn’t work for everyone, and it is by no means a cure-all for acne, but if you feel like you’ve tried everything, or tend to have digestive problems like lactose intolerance or acid reflux and breakouts, a probiotic supplement could be just the thing you didn’t know you needed.
Read more: http://www.dailymakeover.com/trends/skin/probiotics-for-glowing-skin/#ixzz3AMuVjaRC
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