Kasey's Heavy Heavy Workout
Kasey's Heavy Workout
You will be doing only 3 sets the heaviest you can do with small reps. On your off days Sprint and Row. No rowing machine than alternate the elyptical and bike. 20 minutes only

You will be doing only 3 sets the heaviest you can do with small reps. On your off days Sprint and Row. No rowing machine than alternate the elyptical and bike. 20 minutes only

- Bicep Machine
- Pullups(assisted machine)
- Crunches(with weight plate 25lbs)
- Chin-ups palms out(assisted pullup machine)
- One Arm Rows
- Sit-ups (1/2 start up and go down half way and than down and than half with feet off the ground)
- Concentration Curls
- Lat Pulldowns
- Crunches(with weight plate or 12lb medicine ball)
- Bench Press
- Triceps Machine
- Front Raises
- Incline Bench Press
- Pushdowns
- Shoulder Press
- Bench Press Flyes
- Skull Crushers
- Shoulder Press
30 minutes, 3 times per week
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
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