Full Body Tabata by DailyHIIT

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Concept is simple – set your timer to 8 sets of 20 seconds of high intensity workouts with 10 seconds of rest between each set.
For example for the first exercise:
1sec – 20sec        high intensity mountain climbers
21  – 30                 rest (try to keep moving a bit so you do not cramp uo)
31 –  50                  high intensity mountain climbers
51 – 60                  rest

…. Keep this going until you have 8 of each exercise complete and then do it all over for the next exercise until you are through all eight of them. Recover for about a minute between exercises.

Exercise 1: Mountain climbers
Begin in high plank position. Alternate bringing your knees up to chest in a rapid motion.
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Exercise 2: Tricep push-up
Perform push-up with hands directly under shoulders and arms sliding next to your sides. Hand positioning is slightly narrower than regular push-ups.
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Exercise 3: High Knees
Run with knees high in one spot maintaining a straight back and strong core. Can place hands out and make sure top of knees touch hands on each stride.
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Exercise 4: Bicycle Sit-ups
Lie on back in sit-ups position. Place hands just behind head or on temple and bring opposite elbow to opposite knee in a controlled motion, switch sides. Ensure you are not pulling up your neck towards knee, motion should come from the abs.
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Exercise 5: Push-up Jack
Start in high plank position. Perform a push-up. On the down motion hop your feet out into a wide position while maintaining straight back form. When straightening arms to push back up, hop feet back in.
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Exercise 6: Plié Squat
Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulders with toes pointing out. Squat down keeping your butt tucked in and back straight until legs form a 90 degree angle. Push up through heels to starting position while squeezing your butt.
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Exercise 7: Crab Taps
Begin in crab walk position. Lift arm and opposite leg up and tap together. Return to start position and alternate using other arm and leg.
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Exercise 8: Reverse Lunge with Hop
Perform a reverse lunge and when you go to return to starting position hop straight up on the front leg. Switch legs and repeat
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You can add difficulty to any of the above moves by adding weights, a weighted vest, etc. Just ensure that you are going at a high intensity for the 20 seconds. However, more important than speed is FORM so ensure that this is kept constant and strong throughout the entire exercise in order to get the most benefit and prevent injury.


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