EFFECTIVE Leg Day Collective - Compound Leg Workout | EPIC Heat - Day 17

The timer will be on for a majority 45 seconds of work, 15 seconds rest, however once we reach the hip thrusts, the 15 seconds will become holds etc! It will all be on screen so simply follow along! SQUATS SQUATS SQUATS 1 1/2 REP STATIC LUNGE 1 1/2 REP STATIC LUNGE 1 1/2 REP STATIC LUNGE 1 1/2 REP STATIC LUNGE CURTSEY LUNGE (one side) CURTSEY LUNGE (switch side) CURTSEY LUNGE (switch side) CURTSEY LUNGE (switch side) BULGARIAN LUNGE BULGARIAN LUNGE (switch side) BULGARIAN LUNGE (switch side) BULGARIAN LUNGE (switch side) SUITCASE SQUAT W/ PAUSE SUITCASE SQUAT W/ PAUSE LATERAL LOW LUNGE LATERAL LOW LUNGE SUMO SQUAT (pause) SUMO SQUAT (pause) HIP THRUST - HOLD - THRUST HIP THRUST - HOLD - THRUST RDL W/ PAUSE RDL W/ PAUSE RDL W/ PAUSE CALF RAISES - PULSE - FULL - HOLD - FULL Finisher: ALTERNATING LATERAL LUNGE drop dumbbell! SUMO HOLD LATERAL LUNGE 1/2 SUMO Depending on the weight you have, perform with one or two dumbbells! Game face on! Let’s tackle this leg day!!!



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