Do You Over-Pump Your Mascara?

Bad habits can be tough to break, and beauty is no exception. While some beauty blunders are more obvious than others (hello, nail biters), other beauty no-no’s may surprise you. If you’ve ever pumped yourmascara wand in and out of the tube, we’ve got news for you: you’re making a major mascara mistake. 
Pumping your mascara wand forces air, and consequently bacteria, into your mascara, causing it to dry out more quickly. It also overloads the bristles with product, causing your lashes to end up clumpy. 
Instead of pumping, pull your wand out, twisting it slightly on the way out. You may also want to lightly wipe down the wand with a paper towel (which leaves less lint than a tissue) before application. 
Have you been committing this beauty sin? Fill us in below! 
Photo: Thinkstock


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