Fermented Rejuvelac


Rejuvelac is a fermented beverage that is inexpensive, easy to make, refreshing to drink and FULL of wonderful nutrients for your body. A healthy probiotic, it also has vitamins B, K and E, proteins, and enzymes. It is beneficial to your digestive system, promoting a healthy intestinal environment. It is also a great starter for raw nut cheese!

How to make Rejuvelac:
1. Start with one cup soft wheat berries (pictured). You can also use rye, quinoa, buckwheat, or other grains. Wheat, rye and quinoa seem to make the best rejuvelac.
2. Soak the grain for 24 hours. Drain off water and rinse two to three times a day until little sprout tails appear.
3. Place sprouted grain in large jar. Add 4 cups water and let sit on the counter for 2-3 days.
4. You will notice that the water will get cloudy and little bubbles will start forming.
5. Taste…it should taste clean and fresh with a hint of lemon. Strain the rejuvelac off of the wheat berries and store in covered glass container in the refrigerator. It will keep for at least a week, just make sure it still smells and tastes fresh. You can reuse the wheat berries to make a second batch. It will only take a day.


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