Dr Groups Oxy-Powder

Oxy-Powder® and other products

Updated: May 06 2009
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What makes Oxy-Powder® so different from other colon cleansers?

What makes Oxy-Powder® so unique is its ability to clean the entire 25 to 30 feet of the digestive tract. It’s designed to clean, oxidize and reduce the amount of hard impacted fecal matter in the small intestine, large intestine and colon. Other cleansers focus on the colon and stimulate mucous production instead of breaking down hard fecal matter.
As a colon cleanser, Oxy-Powder® adds oxygen into the bloodstream and bowel and does so in a natural and non-toxic way. The average person by the age of 40 has between 10 to 20 pounds of hard compacted fecal matter lodged in their intestinal tract. Our intestinal tract is 25 to 30 feet in length and if you cut it open and spread it out, the surface area is the size of a tennis court. In order to clean the digestive tract you must turn that solid compaction into a liquid or gas, using time-released oxygen (oxidation/reduction). This is exactly what Oxy-Powder® does.
By using Oxy-Powder® you can melt away or oxidize the compaction from the small intestine, the large intestine and the colon safely and effectively. This is important because a clean intestinal tract is an essential step in achieving optimal health.

Does Oxy-Powder® work the same way as milk of magnesia, magnesium laxatives or Epsom Salts?

First of all, dietary magnesium is NOT the active ingredient in Oxy-Powder®. Oxy-Powder® contains ozonated magnesium oxide, ozonated magnesium peroxide, Germanium-132, and natural citric acid. Milk of magnesia is magnesium hydroxide which is a saline type laxative. The magnesia acts to pull salts or a saline solution into the intestines from the blood. This excessive fluid from your blood then provides a flushing action within the intestines. Oxy-Powder® does not cause any salt or water to be lost from the body. Products like milk of magnesia that actually pull salts out can possibly cause a loss of sodium resulting in an electrolyte deficiency. Epsom salts is magnesium sulphate and is used as a laxative. It’s better to use than milk of magnesia and does not have as many side effects.
Epsom salts however, do not rid the bowel of hard compacted fecal matter and do not provide any monatomic oxygen to the bowel.Magnesium Oxide (MgO) is not designed to be a source of bio-available (available for the body to use) dietary magnesium. The following situations could increase the bioavailability of MgO in Oxy-Powder®:1. The quantity ingested must be so low, say 25 to 50 mg or so that it has little or no effect on stomach pH, allowing for a complete conversion into a magnesium salt of the stomach acids.
This is why magnesium citrate is more readily absorbed. The citrate salt is similar to the type of magnesium salt that can be formed by small quantities of MgO in the stomach. If taken in quantities of 500 mg or so, MgO will have an antacid effect which will not allow the conversion of the salt to proceed. Since Oxy-Powder® has a generous excess of oxygen it is even less likely that there can be much, if any, conversion to any form of organic salt. This should be the case even under the most acidic of conditions found in the gastro-intestinal tract until all of the monatomic oxygen has dissipated.2. Magnesium oxide taken in fairly low quantities, under 300 mg, and taken with large quantities of niacin in the form of nicotinic acid, and with amino acids, especially L-Carnitine, can become bio-available. The niacin, together with the amino acids, through a rather complex enzyme assisted series, results in a reaction that can enhance the bioavailability of many minerals, including magnesium. This combination can even help carry minerals across the blood-brain barrier.
Here again, with the excess oxygen produced by Oxy-Powder®, it is questionable whether or not such a conversion could actually take place. This means very little if any magnesium would be absorbed by the body. Vitamin D may also increase the absorption rate of MgO.3. Magnesium oxide taken with a large meal can result in hundreds of reactions with some of them creating magnesium salts, some of which could possibly be absorbed by the body. Even then, most of the Oxy-Powder® is not truly bio-available; it usually ends up in the urine. MgO, even when taken with food showed no meaningful change because the kidneys filter MgO out of the plasma. The true test for bio-availability is a blood test measuring erythrocyte Mg concentration not plasma concentration.

Should I take Oxy-Powder® with Bentonite clay, Psyllium, or other forms of fiber, to be certain everything gets cleaned out?

A number of individuals have reported using Oxy-Powder® in conjunction with Bentonite and Psyllium supplements and have achieved good results, but that doesn’t mean those other substances made Oxy-Powder® more effective or that they are harmless. Fiber is a necessary part of the diet and if you’re not receiving enough fiber from the foods that you’re eating, we agree some additional form of fiber would be beneficial. The Editors of this site strongly advise against taking Psyllium or any herbal based fiber supplement.
The best way to obtain additional dietary fiber, which is what you want, is simply to include more fibrous foods in your meals. High fiber foods include: whole wheat (unprocessed) bread and pasta, green leafy vegetables, unsalted nuts and grains, fresh fruit and raisins, beans, lentils, and unbleached brown rice.
However, from our observations and in actual clinical trials, Oxy-Powder® has demonstrated it can assist the body unaided by helping the colon purge toxins and heavy metals and by promoting an unwelcoming environment for harmful bacteria within the digestive tract.
Oxy-Powder® doesn’t need any help to do what it does other than having you drink purified water or adding a little lemon juice to the same if your stomach pH isn’t acidic enough.

What else should I take with Oxy-Powder®?

We recommend taking a probiotic supplement, such as Latero-Flora™. Even though Oxy-Powder® on its own aids in cultivating the right bacteria in the intestinal tract, it never hurts to introduce additional beneficial bacteria. We have seen the best results from using the Latero-Flora™ in conjunction with Oxy-Powder®. Learn more about the benefits of probiotics.


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