7 Tips to Stay Healthy at Work
7 Tips for Staying Healthy at Work
1. Ditch that morning (or afternoon) coffee:
I'm serious about this one! Caffeine can induce a temporary high but
can cause you to crash hard later on. This can seriously affect your
energy, concentration, and overall productivity, and may make you crave
more coffee just to keep up. This can, over time, lead to serious
fatigue and dependency. You don't need that! Drink water instead or eat
an orange if you feel you need some extra energy. Plus, caffeine is a
really strong irritant to the stomach, and it's a diuretic, making you
feel ick and dehydrated. Drinking coffee for some people is a reward for
going to work- it's part of their routine. In that case, opt for
something else to take its place- like fruit. ....AND I haven't even
gotten started on the sugar
and fat people add to their morning joe! Doesn't matter if it's a
no-calorie, non-fat, skinny whatever whatever, or if you're just adding
fake sweeteners (that's even worse!), try to cut back and find other
ways to keep a pep in your step during your day (I find chatting with
co-workers helps! Especially with that person who knows all the
celebrity gossip!).
2. Keep healthy snacks handy: This
has actually been very successful for my husband. He keeps hummus,
veggies, fruit, nuts, peanut butter, and whole wheat bread at the
office. Since he gets to work super early and doesn't have lunch until
around 1, a little snack in between keeps his blood sugar levels stable
so that at lunchtime he isn't ravenous. This helps him control his
portions at lunch and make better food choices (a healthy sandwich or
salad versus a burger and fries). He also eats a little snack at around 3
or 4 when the afternoon slump hits, keeping him energized and satiated
until dinner. For those of you without the luxury of a fridge at work, a
little planning goes a long way. Take a snack sized portion of
something that won't go bad- nuts in this case are great, as are whole
fruits like apples, pears, bananas. Keep it as natural as you can
though- those sugary granola bars are probably not your best bet.
3. Be mindful of your breakfast and lunch: A
lot of people eat breakfast and/or lunch at work, and it's often
something grabbed from a deli, cafe, or, in NYC, a street cart. That's
fine, so long as you're mindful
of what you're eating. Two fried eggs with bacon on a white roll is not
exactly the breakfast of champions! If possible, seek out oatmeal for
breakfast and top with berries, or try a veggie omelet, or even a green
smoothie (just fruit and veggies- no sherbet or sugary fro-yo). As for
lunch, it's so easy these days to do a quick search of the healthier
options in your area. If your cafeteria has a salad bar, try to load up
on that. The best option, of course, is to bring food from home, but if
you're rushing out the door in the morning, choosing the healthier
options at your local dining establishment or cafeteria is a great way
to go!
4. Drink Water!: Staying hydrated can keep you energized and can prevent you from thinking you're hungry when in fact you're just thirsty.
5. Get up and move:
Energy begets energy, so when you feel like you're about to fall
asleep, get up, take a walk, get some sunlight. Not only will your
muscles thank you for it, but it will improve circulation, making you a
little less tired. Also in this category: Take the stairs instead of the
elevator. Park your car further in the lot if you drive. Be fidgety.
The more you move the less you stagnate the more energized you'll be!
6. Connect with people: No,
I'm not talking about friending someone on Facebook! Remember that
co-worker who knows all the celebrity gossip? Go hang with him or her
for a few minutes. Not interested in gossip? Find someone else to friend
in real life at the office. Social interactions have been shown to
reduce stress and promote happiness. This is a good thing, especially at
7. Set Goals: Another thing that
can keep you energized and pumped for the workday is setting some goals
for yourself. Knowing that you can check stuff off your list or that you
accomplished certain tasks promotes satisfaction. This in turn can give
you motivation to tackle your next goal, and so on. Got a lot done?
Reward yourself with a short walk while listening to your ipod.
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