OPPOSING Upper Body Workout / Dumbbells | EPIC Heat - Day 12

The timer will be on for a majority of the workout for 45 seconds of work, 15 seconds rest, occasionally it will be 50 seconds of work, 10 seconds rest. It is important to go at your own pace. This applies to all the exercises. You will notice I perform each movement pretty slow... controlling the movement makes the weight feel a lot heavier, particularly on the lowering portion! SHOULDER PRESS PULLOVER SHOULDER PRESS PULLOVER CHEST PRESS ALTERNATING RENEGADE ROWS CHEST PRESS ALTERNATING RENEGADE ROWS BENT OVER ROW PUSH UPS BENT OVER ROW PUSH UPS FLYES REAR DELT FLYES FLYES REAR DELT FLYES FRONTAL RAISE SUPINE ROW FRONTAL RAISE SUPINE ROW TATE PRESS (50/10) CURLS (50/10) TATE PRESS (50/10) CURLS (50/10) SKULLCRUSHER HAMMER CURL SKULLCRUSHER HAMMER CURL DEADBUG one side HOLD! DEADBUG switch side HOLD! DOUBLE DEADBUG HOLD! Finisher: DEEP PUSH UPS HOLD! SWEEPS HOLD! DEEP PUSH UPS HOLD! You should be feeling pretty fatigued by the time you reach the Arnold Presses so ensure you perform with smooth lifts and lowering!



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