
Showing posts from February, 2025

Steak and Eggs Skillet with Chimichurri and Sweet Potatoes

Ingredients 1 lb. boneless Sirloin Steak 2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch cubes 1 Tbsp. butter ¼ tsp. salt ¼ tsp. black pepper 1 Tbsp. olive oil 4 large eggs 3 Tbsp. crumbled feta Chimichurri Sauce 1/2 cup fresh parsley 1/2 cup fresh cilantro 1/4 cup fresh oregano 3 cloves garlic 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes 1/4 cup olive oil 2 Tbsp. red wine vinegar Optional Ingredients 6 corn tortillas Sliced avocado  METHOD Step 1 Combine chimichurri sauce ingredients in a blender or food processor.  Step 2 Pulse until well combined, stopping once to scrape down sides of container. Set aside. Step 3 Preheat oven to 425°F.  Step 4 Spread out sweet potato into a single layer on a baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil, tossing gently to combine.  Step 5 Cook sweet potatoes in oven for 20-25 minutes, tossing halfway through, or until sweet potatoes have golden edges. Set aside and keep warm. Step 6 Meanwhile, heat a large cast-iron skillet (12-inch reco...

Day 13: 30 Min INTENSE HIIT CARDIO WORKOUT | No Repeat, No Equipment // 6WS1

WORKOUT DETAILS ⏱️ Duration: 30 minute workout 🏋️ Equipment: A non-slip workout mat ⏱️ Intervals: Perform each exercise for 45 secs without any rest between exercises. Let's get that heart rate up and burn some calories! The exercises for this HIIT Cardio workout are: 0:20 Jump Rope 1:05 Butt Kicks 1:50 Walk Out to Push Up 2:35 Air Squats 3:20 Reverse Lunge to Knee Drive R 4:05 Reverse Lunge to Knee Drive L 4:50 Plank to Alt Foot Tap 5:35 Blast Off Push Ups 6:20 Mountain Climbers 7:05 Up Downs 7:50 Bicycles 8:35 Starfish Crunches 9:20 Reverse Plank + Alt Knee Drives 10:05 Lateral Lunge to Knee Drive R 10:50 Lateral Lunge to Knee Drive L 11:35 Jumping Jacks 12:20 Alternating Standing Kicks 13:05 3X Squat + Jump 13:50 Elbow Plank T Rotations 14:35 Plank Jacks 15:20 Half Burpee Push Up 16:05 Full Sit Ups 16:50 Flutters 17:35 Extension to Tuck 18:20 Kneel to Squat 19:05 Front to Back Lunge R 19:50 Front to Back Lunge L 20:35 Cross Mountain Climbers 21:20 ...

Cheesy Bruschetta Chicken Cutlets

  Ingredients For the bruschetta topping 1   (14 1/2-ounce) can   diced tomatoes , drained 1   clove   garlic , minced or pressed in a garlic press 1   tablespoon   olive oil 1/2   teaspoon   Italian seasoning,  or 1/4 teaspoon each dried basil and oregano 1/4   teaspoon   ground black pepper For the chicken 1 1/2   pounds  (4 cutlets)  chicken breast cutlets,  or thinly sliced chicken breasts, 1/4-inch thick 1/2   teaspoon   salt 1/4   teaspoon   ground black pepper 2   tablespoons   olive oil 3/4 cup ( 3   ounces )  shredded mozzarella cheese 1/4 cup ( 1   ounce )  shredded Parmesan cheese 1/4   cup  chopped  fresh parsley Method Heat your oven broiler to its highest setting. Place a rack a few inches below the broiler. Make the bruschetta topping: In a medium mixing bowl, stir together all of the bruschetta topping ingredients. Set aside. Se...

Day 12: 40 Min BACK AND BICEP Workout with Dumbbells // 6WS1

  WORKOUT DETAILS ⏱️ Duration: 40 minute workout 🏋️ Equipment: Two sets of dumbbells, a bench or chair, and a non-slip workout mat 💪🏽 Dumbbell: For reference only, I’m using 20 & 30 lb / 9 & 14 kg dumbbells ⏱️ Intervals: 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest The format for this back and bicep dumbbell workout is as follows: 0:20 Alternating Hammer Curls 1:20 Hammer Curls 2:20 Alternating Wide Curls 3:20 Wide Curls 4:20 Alternating Cross Body Curls 5:20 Cross Body Curls 6:20 Bent Over Row R 7:20 Bent Over Supine Row R 8:20 Bent Over Wide Row R 9:20 Bent Over Row L 10:20 Bent Over Supine Row L 11:20 Bent Over Wide Row L 12:20 Bent Over Row R 13:20 Bent Over Supine Row R 14:20 Bent Over Wide Row R 15:20 Bent Over Row L 16:20 Bent Over Supine Row L 17:20 Bent Over Wide Row L 18:20 Bent Over Row 19:20 Bent Over Supine Row 20:20 Bent Over Wide Row 21:20 Landmine Row 22:20 Supermans 23:20 Bird Dogs 24:20 Good Mornings 25:20 Lat Pull Downs 26:20 Upright ...