FULL-ON Full Body Dumbbell Workout | EPIC Endgame Day 14

The timer will be on for trisets consisting of 30 seconds per exercise with 30 seconds rest inbetween! All you will need for this full body workout is a pair of dumbbells and your mat! The dumbbells I am using for your reference are 10kg each! STAPLE: MAKER - SQUAT - PRESS SQUAT TO PRESS ARNOLD PRESS (same side) SQUAT THEN PRESS (same side) STATIC LUNGE HOLD! BODYWEIGHT REAR STEP LUNGE STAPLE: MAKER - SQUAT - PRESS SNATCH CLEAN TO SQUAT (same side) UNEVEN SQUAT (same side) STAGGERED RDL STAGGERED SQUAT (same side) STAGGERED RDL TO SQUAT STAPLE: MAKER - SQUAT - PRESS SQUAT TO CURTSEY LUNGE SQUAT TO LUNGE (same side) SQUAT TO CURTSEY LUNGE (same side) SINGLE ARM PRESS PUSH PRESS CLEAN TO PRESS STAPLE: MAKER - SQUAT - PRESS PLANK TO SIDE PLANK ROW UNEVEN PUSH UP RENEGADE ROW FINISHER: 100 x SMALL TUCK TO TOE TAP



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