Upper Body & Cardio Workout by TheWKOUT

30 sec work 10 sec rest

Competition burpees + tuck Jump
Bicep curls
Push up + Pike push up
Bicep curls
1/2 Burpee + tuck jump
Hammer Curls
In & out touchdowns
Hammer Curls
Jump rope or high knees twis
Alternating Upright Row
Alt. Lunge to Squat
Upright Row
High Knees Touch Heels
Front Raises
Front Raises
Under the Bar Tucks
DB Underhand Chest Flyes
Alt. Switch Lunge than Touch Toe
DB Underhand Chest Flyes
1 Jump Forward 2 Jumps Back
Alt Side Raises
Punch Kicks
Alt Side Raises
Alt. Touch Downs
Shoulder Raises
Switch lunges
Shoulder Raises
Side to side jumps
Chest flyes
Pogo Lft
Chest flyes
Pogo Rt
Bent over triceps
Closed in squats
Bent over triceps
Wide Squat Jumps
Plate Bicep Curls
Side Raises
Pec Flyes
Sky Punches
Tricep Extensions
Around the Worlds

This is an older workout but I tend to go back and do ones I can do at home. This one I did fasted in the morning in my living room. So get to the gym or invest in weights a little at a time so you can train at home!



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