DIY Finishing Powder by Vegan Beauty Review

DIY Finishing Powder 

I ♥ ♥ ♥ (times 12!!) mineral makeup! I’ve been using it religiously since the early ’00s. My fave mineral makeup product is finishing powder/mineral veil – it sets my makeup and gives me a “photoshopped” finished look (think soft focus camera lens or one of those flattering Instagram filters). ;) Finsihing powders ain’t cheap, yo – take a peek! Makeup companies charge mad chaddah for this simple beauty product which you can totes make at home using ingredients from your kitchen.

DIY finishing powder
What you’ll need: 
  • Arrowroot powder (or corn starch)
  • Cocoa or cinnamon (the amount will vary based on your skin tone)
  • An old (but clean) mineral foundation sifter/container
In a bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of arrowroot powder with a small amount of cocoa or cinnamon. Just keep adding a little more at a time until you get your desired shade. Whisk your ingredients really well, and then pour into your old makeup container. Voila! You just saved yourself $20-50! Go buy a pair of vegan heels with that $! ;)


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