Day 21 of EPIC | Leg Workout at Home [Dumbbell Complex]

This workout is a challenge for the entire lower body including the quads, hamstrings, glutes and of course core is majorly involved. This workout is based on 2 sets each of a complex performed for 3 minutes (one complex for 4 minutes). Within each complex is 4 main exercises that we perform each for 10 reps, then move onto the next to complete 10 reps and so on. Once you complete all four exercises, you repeat if the time allows you for the entire duration! Your aim is to not drop the dumbbells however you can change hand position to having the dumbbells by your sides or in a front rack position etc. Ensure you perform at your own pace! You may go slightly faster or slower than me but ensure your form is πŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌ!! The weights I am using for your reference are 2 x 20lb. Below are the complexes we will work through (x 2 sets each with one minute rest in between each!) FRONT SQUAT ROMANIAN DEADLIFT SUMO SQUAT ALT REAR LUNGE LUNGE PIVOT LUNGE LUNGE (switch) CALF RAISES CLEAN TO SQUAT UNEVEN LUNGE UNEVEN SQUAT STAG ROMANIAN DEADLIFT CURTSEY LUNGE CURTSEY LUNGE (switch) ALT LATERAL LUNGE CLOSE SQUAT ON TOES HAMSTRING UP & DOWN MARCHES SINGLE LEG BRIDGE SINGLE LEG BRIDGE (switch) REVERSE CRUNCH OPP HAND TO FOOT REACH OPP HAND TO FOOT REACH (switch) CRUNCHES



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