MY REVIEW: Silicone Lids and Food Covers for Preserving Food

Product Description
EZ-Lids are reusable food-grade silicone lids that create an airtight seal. It's the perfect way to store food or reheat food.To use simply place the EZ-Lid food cover on a smooth surface container like ceramic or melamine and then push down. That's it.
Overall EZ-Lids are a great addition in the kitchen.
IMPORTANT: USA only bloggers and Amazon Prime Membership preferred. Preference given to reviewers who are willing to provide video reviews.
I love silicone kitchen products. I love my baking mat,cupcake molds,trivets/holders,oven mits and these lids. Love these lids. Easy removal. Easy storage. Easy clean up. Now I did a video that was not required. But I liked them so well I had to show you them. This is a great buy. Click on the widget below to get yours on Amazon! ~Tiffany
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