Bedtime Juice

Ingredients for Sleeping Weight Loss Drink
With these simple ingredients, which you can pick up at your local grocery store, you can whip up this weight loss drink (which is also super tasty) in no time:
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 tablespoon of grated ginger
  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera juice
  • A bunch of either cilantro or parsley
  • ½ glass of water
Simply add the ingredients together, blend them and drink a glass of the juice before bedtime.
How it Works
By drinking just one glass of this juice before bed, you will greatly reduce your fat levels – especially your belly fat. If you drink it nightly, and after waking up you do some cardio workouts for about 30 minutes you will notice results in just a few days.
It’s not uncommon to develop fat while you sleep. Why? Because when you go to sleep, your metabolism significantly slows down. The ingredients in this drink will give your metabolism a jump start so that it will continue burning fat while you sleep.
How is this possible? – Because the ingredients in the drink are all proven to speed up the metabolism, so when you consume them you before you go to bed, your metabolism keeps running on high.
Cucumbers are very powerful for fighting fat. They are a key element in any weight loss program. One full cucumber contains just 45 calories and they are high in fiber and water content, two things that are keys to cutting fat; plus, they are very refreshing and give this drink a wonderful taste.
Parsley and cilantro are very low in calories and they are both loaded with antioxidants, as well as vitamins and minerals that are extremely powerful for easing water retention, thus, they help to deflate an inflated tummy.
Ginger steps up the metabolism and also prevents constipation, two things that are very powerful for fighting off that unwanted belly fat. This ingredient will help to burn off that stubborn belly fat while you sleep.
Lemon juice is very effective for flushing out toxins that accumulate in the body. As such, when you drink lemon juice, you will be able to blast off that belly fat. You’ll also feel a whole lot better because the impurities that have built up in your system will be cleaned out.
Aloe vera juice is exceptionally powerful for weight loss. It is full of antioxidants and helps to delay the development of free radicals in the body that cause inflammation and bloat. This juice also helps to stimulate your metabolic rate, which can help to greatly reduce your body mass index.
Sip this healthy drink before bed and you’ll wake up feeling lighter and more energetic.


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