Day 21: 40 Min FAT BURNING WORKOUT [Full Body HIIT CARDIO] No Equipment, No Repeats // 6WS1
⏱️ Duration: 40 minute workout
🏋️ Equipment: A workout mat
⏱️ Intervals: 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest between exercises
The exercises for this killer bodyweight HIIT workout are:
0:20 Prisoner Squat + Alt Knee to Elbow
1:20 Reverse Lunge + Front Kick R
2:20 Reverse Lunge + Front Kick L
3:20 Lateral Bear Walk
4:20 Blast Off Push Ups
5:20 Boxer Squats
6:20 Curtsy Lunge to Squat R
7:20 Curtsy Lunge to Squat L
8:20 Front & Back Bear Crawl
9:20 Up Down + Tuck
10:20 Crouch to Star Jump
11:20 Plyo Lunge Clap R
12:20 Plyo Lunge Clap L
13:20 Lunge Pivots
14:20 Tricep Skull-crusher Push Up
15:20 Down Dog + Knee Drive R
16:20 Down Dog + Knee Drive L
17:20 Bicycle Crunches
18:20 Russian Twists
19:20 Side Plank Dips R
20:20 Side Plank Rotation R
21:20 Narrow Push Ups
22:20 Spider Crunches
23:20 Single Leg V Up R
24:20 Single Leg V Up L
25:20 Plank Marches
26:20 Side Plank Dips L
27:20 Side Plank Rotation L
28:20 Butterfly Crunches
29:20 Superman + Lat Pull Down
30:20 Alternating Bear Rows
31:20 Pivot Squats R
32:20 Pivot Squats L
33:20 Squat Pulses
34:20 Pike Shoulder Taps
35:20 6X High Knees + Half Burpee
36:20 Split Stance Switch + Alt Drop Lunge
37:20 Plank Jack Reaches
38:20 Push Up Pulses
39:20 Air Squats
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