Day 19: 30 Min ABS & HIIT CARDIO at Home Workout [No Equipment] // 6WS1


WORKOUT DETAILS ⏱️ Duration: 30 minute workout 🏋️ Equipment: A workout mat ⏱️ Intervals: 45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest between exercises The exercises for this HIIT abs workout are: 20 Minute Abs Workout 0:20 Open Close Legs 1:20 Frog Crunches 2:20 Alternating Single Leg Lowers 3:20 Double Leg Lowers 4:20 Alternating Single Leg Raises 5:20 Double Leg Raises 6:20 Single Leg Extensions 7:20 Open Leg Extensions 8:20 Mountain Climbers 9:20 Plank to Bear 10:20 Plank Double Knee Taps 11:20 Plank Step Outs 12:20 Spider Crunch 13:20 Tabletop Twist + Extend Right 14:20 Tabletop Twist + Extend Left 15:20 Windshields 16:20 Bicycle Crunches 17:20 Butterfly Crunches 18:20 Sprinter Crunch R 19:20 Sprinter Crunch L 10 Min HIIT Cardio Workout 20:20 High Knees 21:20 Air Squats 22:20 Half Burpees 23:20 Power Jacks 24:20 Cross Mountain Climbers 25:20 Squat to Alt Front Kick 26:20 Push Ups 27:20 Alternating Cross Punches 28:20 Shoulder Taps 29:20 Spot Sprint


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