The timer will be on for 45 seconds each set with no rest between 4 sets to make each giant set! We will have 20 seconds rest between each giant set! Each giant set will be performed for 2 sets however most of the giant sets involve all on one side then the next giant set bring the opposite side! For this glute & hamstring workout, you will simply need your mat and a chair/bench for single leg hip thrusts! Ankle weights can be added at the beginning if you prefer! X OVER PULSE! DIAGONAL LIFT DIAGONAL PULSE! DONKEY LIFT HOLD! DONKEY X OVER PULSE! HAMSTRING LIFT HOLD! REVERSE PLANK LIFT HOLD! X1 LEG HIP THRUST PULSE! HOLD! HAMSTRING LIFT (same leg) FEET TOGETHER GLUTE SQUEEZE LEGS EXTEND LIFT PULSES! OPEN & CLOSE! SUMO 1 1/2 REPS 1/2 REPS! RDL TO SUMO (stand inbetween) RDL TO SUMO (no standing inbetween)


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