Five Ways to Build Muscle

Hello Beauties! Building and maintaining muscle mass becomes increasingly important the older we get. This is because as we age, the major muscles in our body gradually become smaller and less powerful. Over time, this reduced muscle strength can lead to other serious health issues such as disabilities, frailty, and falling. Although this sounds alarming, the good news is there are things you can do now to build muscle mass and help prevent muscle loss later on, and even reverse it if you are already seeing its effects on your body. And no, this doesn’t mean you have to become a gym rat or develop a “Schwarzenegger-eqsue” physique. Rather, these are things you can incorporate into your existing routines—and even enjoy! Muscle Loss and Aging Studies show that around 10 percent of people over 50 are affected by significant muscle loss—a condition called sarcopenia—and by the time they reach 80, more than half of all people have to ...