Day 42 of EPIC | Dumbbell CAPPED Shoulders & Core

 You will need a mat and pair of dumbbells.

I’m using 12.5kg each and 6kg each, however you can simply use one pair of dumbbells! A chair is optional, I use a chair for seated shoulder press, Arnold press and decline planks however the presses can be performed standing and planks on mat! The timer will be on for 45 seconds of work focusing on the delts , straight into a core specific exercise (that also applies work to the shoulders) for 45 seconds followed by 30 seconds rest. We repeat each superset twice! PRESS DOWNWARD DOG TO PIKE PRESS DOWNWARD DOG TO PIKE ARNOLD PRESS PLANKS HIPS UP HOLD ARNOLD PRESS PLANKS HIPS UP HOLD LATERAL RAISES (same side) DECLINE PLANK SIDE HOLD LATERAL RAISES (switch side) DECLINE PLANK SIDE HOLD PARTIAL LATERAL RAISES PIKE PUSH UPS PARTIAL LATERAL RAISES PIKE PUSH UPS HAMMER FRONTAL RAISES PLANK TO PIKE WALK IN HAMMER FRONTAL RAISES PLANK TO PIKE WALK IN 45° LATERAL RAISE SHOULDER TAPS ON CHAIR 45° LATERAL RAISE SHOULDER TAPS ON CHAIR UNDER HAND FRONTAL PIKE HOLD UNDER HAND FRONTAL PIKE HOLD REAR DELT LYING RAISE SIDE PLANK HOLD REAR DELT LYING RAISE SIDE PLANK HOLD 90° INFRONT TO OPEN PLANK UP & DOWN 90° INFRONT TO OPEN PLANK UP & DOWN FRONTAL RAISE W/x 1 DB FRONTAL RAISE HOLD FRONTAL RAISE W/x 1 DB FRONTAL RAISE HOLD DRIVING CAR PLANK HOLD DRIVING CAR PLANK HOLD Finisher: 20/20/20 straight into other side! PRESS PUSH PRESS SNATCH


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