Day 31 of EPIC | 45 Min Dumbbell Abs & Glute Workout

You will need either 2 x dumbbells (or 1 larger dumbbell), or a kettlebell or plate. Also a mat and a chair for hip thrusts. You don’t need a band for this workout however you can add it on during the sumo squats (bring feet closer in and push knees out), bridges and hip thrusts if you like! The timer will be on for a majority of time 45 seconds with 15 seconds rest, however some of the movements completely leave out the rest abs you will be performing hip thrusts etc for 1 min 45 seconds! 😁 For a portion of this session, every 3rd exercise is a staple: the sumo half rep squats. Ensure feet at 45° out, wider than than standard squat, you keep chest open, shoulders back and down, push hips back and don’t stand fully! Of course stand fully when you need a rest. JACK KNIFE OPP HAND TO FOOT HOLLOW CRUNCH HOLD W/LEG LOWER ON HANDS TUCK TO EXTENSION HEEL TAPS TOE REACH HOLD W/ALT LEG LOWER HIP RAISE HANDS UNDER TO LOWER X ARM CROSS CRUNCH TO SIT UO V SIT HEEL TAPS SUMO (count down 3sec, hold 3sec) SUMO (count down 3sec, hold 3sec) 1/2 REPS SUMO SQUAT FWD LEAN LUNGE FWD LEAN LUNGE (switch side) 1/2 REPS SUMO SQUAT FWD LEAN LUNGE FWD LEAN LUNGE (switch side) 1/2 REPS SUMO SQUAT SUMO RDL SUMO RDL 1/2 REPS SUMO SQUAT STAGGERED HIP THRUST STAGGERED HIP THRUST (switch) 1/2 REPS SUMO SQUAT STAGGERED HIP THRUST STAGGERED HIP THRUST (switch) 1/2 REPS SUMO SQUAT HIP THRUSTS HIP THRUSTS 1/2 REPS SUMO SQUAT SUMO HIP THRUSTS SUMO HIP THRUSTS 1/2 REPS SUMO SQUAT FROP PUMP FROG PUMP 1/2 REP SUMO SQUAT SUMO SQUAT PULSES B/W PLANK ONE LEG LIFT (same leg) PLANK ONE LEG LIFT SIDE PLANK LEG LIFT SIDE PLANK LEG LIFT (switch) HOVER TO DONKEY KICK HOVER TO DONKEY KICK (switch) SIDE LYING TO LIFT SIDE LYING TO LIFT (switch) HAND PLANK LEG LIFT PULSE HAND PLANK LEG LIFT PULSE (switch) SINGLE LEG BRIDGE (1 min) SINGLE LEG BRIDGE (1 min) switch It is up to you to push this session!! Really focus on squeezing with just the glutes! During the hip thrusts, look straight forward, lower slowly (not so far as to arch back) and squeeze with glutes to raise hips as high as you can. Squeeze and hold and lower again. It should be controlled with no sudden movements.



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