Day 30 of EPIC | Intense No Jumping EMOM Full Body HIIT


⭐️ Perform flutter kicks with legs higher if needed. ⭐️ Hollow to crunch can be altered to v sit to crunch if preferred. 20 x FLUTTER KICKS 10 x HOLLOW TO CRUNCH (5) 10 x SIT UPS (5) 10 x 1/2 REP LUNGES 10 x 1/2 REP LUNGES 10 x SUMO PULSES 10 x SUMO SQUATS (5) 10 x CLOSE STANCE SQUATS (5) 10 x PUSH UPS (5) 10 x PIKE PUSH UPS 10 x TRICEP PUSH UPS (5) Try to think about next movement so you can move quickly into it to save time! Try to remember once you have completed 5 sets, you are half way through that section!! Ensure you spend at least 5 minutes warming up before beginning. I hope you all enjoy this format... EMOM is a super way to motivate you to work harder as the more effort, the more rest!!⭐️


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