Day 27 of EPIC | Arms & Abs Workout

You will need a stable chair for bodyweight dips, a mat and a pair of dumbbells! The dumbbells I am using for your reference are 15lbs each! The timer will be on for 50 seconds of work and 10 seconds rest during the abs portion and 40 seconds of work with 20 seconds of rest during the triceps portion! This is a slow paced workout with focus on the full range motion of the tricep exercises, aiming for depth not reps on the tricep push ups and control on the abs! During the abs section we will use a mixture of bodyweight and dumbbells to target the core and abs! When we get to the tricep section, every 3rd exercise will be bodyweight dips! I have chosen this as a staple exercise as you are able to do a lot of reps and modify accordingly. As you fatigue, you have the option to bring your feet flat on the floor and knees bent at 90° so you can keep repping out those dips! Ensure you ease into the depth slowly and perform the movements smoothly. During the skull crusher, depending on the level of fatigue of the triceps and the dumbbells you are using you can perform with 2 dumbbells or 1! I begin with 2 however to ensure my upper arms don’t move, I drop to 1 dumbbell. REVERSE CRUNCH LEG LOWER TOE REACH ALT LEG LOWER HOLLOW TO V SIT TUCK CLAP V SIT ALT CLAP UNDER HOLLOW TO V SIT TOE REACH (x1 DB) V SIT PASS THROUGH (x1 DB) HOLLOW TO SPRINTER (x1 DB) HOLLOW TO SPRINTER (x1 DB) switch V SIT PRESS TO EXTEND CRUNCH TO HAND CLASP ELBOW X OVER LOWER ELBOW TUCK TO EXTEND SIDE PLANK HIP RAISES SIDE PLANK HIP RAISES ONE SLOW PUSH UP! TRICEP PUSH UP DIPS DIVE PUSH UP UNEVEN PUSH UPS DIPS DIAMOND PUSH UPS DIAMOND COBRA PUSH UPS DIPS SINGLE ARM TRICEP PUSH UP SINGLE ARM TRICEP PUSH UP DIPS SINGLE ARM PUSH UP CHAIR SINGLE ARM PUSH UP CHAIR (opp) DIPS PALMS FACING TRICEP PRESS PALMS FACING FEET PRESS DIPS SKULL CRUSHERS (1 or 2 dumbbells) SKULL CRUSHER PUSH UPS DIPS OVERHEAD LYING EXTENSION OVERHEAD PRESS DIPS Finisher: x1 SLOW TRICEP PUSH UP!!!



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